Ogbona, Etsako Central, Edo State

Ogbona Community

Ogbona village has a population of 18,500 with a Primary Healthcare Center (PHC) that was commissioned in 1961. Unfortunately, the PHC has suffered many years of neglect with dire consequences to the inhabitants of Ogbona and surrounding communities. Access to clean water is very limited. The PHC buys water monthly to fulfill the needs of the center. With a budget of N10,000 ($17) per month, water is extremely rationed.

What will your money be used for?

  1. Provide clean water supply that will supply the Ogbona PHC and surrounding communities
  2. Assist with further improvements to the PHC
  3. Provide continued medical trainings to staff
  4. Liaise with the LGA to implement health policies in the community that will futher improve healthcare outcomes.
  5. Long term goal is to set up a functioning  operating theatre


Our expectation is toward the sustainability of these projects from the community members therefore, an important part of our plan involves impactful sensitization programs.

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